Approved communications - 20th EIP

Accepted for communications


Alessandro Ballabio | UNP, Colombia

The abductive reasoning in the light of the notions of information and feedback

Deslocados para mesas redondas


Ariane Porto Costa Rimoli | Unicamp, Brazil

God is polyglot: dialogues between Peirce and Quantum Science about the reality of God
Bárbara Beatriz Silvestre Sampaio | PUC-SP, Brazil

“The love that moves the Sun and other stars”: the teleology of agapism by C.S Peirce as an instrument to read Dante Alighieri's Purgatory


Bruno Araujo Alencar; Heraldo Aparecido Silva | UFPI, Brazil

Richard Rorty's critique of Michel Foucault: a neopragmatic perspective

Bruno Bueno Poli | PUC-SP, Brazil

Modern philosophy and William James on the mind-body problem
Conceição de Maria Sousa Araujo | UFPI, Brazil

John Dewey’s pragmatist epistemology: experience and nature


Dionisio Moreno Ferres | PUC-SP, Brazil

The adaptability of behavior


Edivaldo José Bortoleto | Ufes, Brazil 

Semiotic Paulo Freire?

Eliane Aparecida Dorico Washington | PUC-SP, Brazil

The importance of Peircean Semiotics for the process of impact on Positive Law and its syntactic, semantic and pragmatic dimensions


Fabíola Ballarati Chechetto | PUC-SP, Brazil

Between atoms and algorithms: habits of interactions to see how the (dis)continuous appears


Federico Ezequiel López | CIeFi, UNLP, Argentina

Rethinking technology through Dewey's aesthetic, political and religious approach


Francisco Dário de Andrade Bandeira | UFC, Brazil

Possible convergences between a pragmatist epistemology and the philosophy of information


Francisco Newton Freitas | UFPI, Brazil

A Synthesis of Important Conceptual Core Used in the Elaboration of Pragmaticist Epistemology in the Face of The Classical Peircean Doctrine

Francisco Raimundo Chaves de Sousa; Heraldo Aparecido Silva | UFPI, Brazil

The social role of literary narratives and metaphors in Richard Rorty's philosophy


Frederik Moreira dos Santos | URFB, Brazil

The Paths of Informational Reification: A Pragmatic-Marxist Perspective on Information Theory
Gabriel Engel Ducatti; Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez | Unesp - Marília, Brazil

Effects of digital on conduct: an investigation in the light of pragmatism
Gabriela L. M. Moreira; Eluiza B. Ghizzi | UFMS, Brazil

Rethinking the element of reason in the aesthetics of architecture: contributions from Charles Sanders Peirce’s pragmatist philosophy


Gihad Abdalla El Khouri | FTEC-Curitiba, Brazil

Unpredictable architectures through Rajchman's new pragmatism


Horacio Héctor Mercau | USP, Brazil

Rhetorical Deliberation, Democracy and Education in John Dewey
Ian Salles Botti | UFSC, Brazil

Virtue epistemology as theory of investigation


Isabel Victoria Galleguillos Jungk | PUC-SP, Brazil

Peirce's initial deduction of universal categories
Izabel Maria Gomes da Paz; Heraldo Aparecido Silva | UFPI, Brazil

Philosophy for Social Hope: a Redescription of Rorty
Izildete de Sousa Torres; Heraldo Aparecido Silva | UFPI, Brazil

Rorty's notion of solidarity in the novel 1984 by George Orwell


Jéssica Ágne Campêlo Nunes; Heraldo Aparecido Silva | UFPI, Brazil

The redescription of monster culture's notion from Richard Rorty's philosophy


Jessyca Eiras Jatobá Santos | Unesp - Marília, Brail

Anthropomorphism as a method and empiricism as a prophylactic: for a concept of the human not split from nature


Johnny Marques de Jesus | PUC-SP, Brazil

Pragmatic semiosis of deliberative democracy


José Luis de Barros Ghimarães; Heraldo Aparecido Silva | UFPI, Brazil

Experience, experience and life wisdom: Walter Benjamin and the pragmatist dimension of his narrative theory


José Renato Salatiel | UFES, Brazil

Peirce’s Triadic Logic: a new approach


Juliana Rocha Franco; Priscila Monteiro Borges | UEMG, Brazil 

Some pragmatic consequences for the order of object determination in Peirce's late semiotics


Larissa Ferreira Gonzales; Edna Maria Magalhães Nascimento | UFPI, Brazil

Research on the theory of truth in Charles Sanders Peirce


Lucas Antonio Saran | PUC-SP, Brasil

The influence of James and Dewey on Russell's neutral monism.

Luiz Fernando de Biazi Seba | PUC-SP, Brazil

Another possibility for the epistemology of architecture


Luma Santos de Oliveira | PUC-SP, Brazil 

Semiosis, art and aesthetic experience: considerations on artistic photography with theme of everyday life


Marco Antonio Conceição; Heraldo Aparecido Silva | IFPI, Brazil

Philosophy as “liberal utopia” in Richard Rorty


Marcos Antonio Alves | Unesp - Marília, Brazil

Information, cognition, fake news and its relations with the action from Fred Dretske
Maria Alejandra Madi | PUC-SP, Brazil

Markets, signs and beliefs: a semiotic and pragmatic approach under the Realim of Charles S. Peirce
Otávio de Lima e Silva | UFMS, Brazil

The so-called "crisis of representation" in language in contemporary twentieth century philosophy: reflections based on the pragmatism of C. S. Peirce
Patricia Fonseca Fanaya | UFSC, Brazil

“What if?”: the imagination that drives our own rationality


Renan Henrique Baggio | PUC-SP, Brazil

The post-truth in Peirce's eyes: towards a realistic rescue from this muddle
Renata Silva Souza; Mariana Vitti Rodrigues | USP, Brazil

Abductive semiosis: possible relationships between art and science in photography
Rodrigo Azevedo dos Santos Gouvea | UFRJ, Brazil

Beliefs as expectations
Rodrigo dos Santos | PUC-SP, Brazil

Music as a Universal Succession of Art in Schelling: Analysis of the "Rhythm" as the Possibility of Indifference


Rogério Bettin | PUC-SP, Brazil

Between Clouds and Clocks – Determinism and Indeterminism in Peirce and Popper

Sarah Lindsay Botão de Oliveira Ferreira | UFG, Brazil

The instrumentalization of language through communication: limits of sentence form


Silvana Borges da Silva | MAS-SP, Brail 

From purple to scarlet red, the symbology of a divine color


Sonia Cristina Bocardi de Moraes | Unesp - Marília, Brazil

Normal interpretant, form and information


Tiago Gomes Landim | PUC-SP, Brasil

Myths and tragedies as a place of philosophical argumentation


Tobias Augusto Rosa Faria | Facapa e Unicamp, Brazil

Notes on the general and the vague: the case of Peirce's triadic logic


Tomas Rodolfo Drunkenmolle | PUC-SP, Brazil 

Analysis of the epistemic and heuristic character of metaphors in light of C. S. Peirce’s theory of semiotics and pragmatism


Valdirene Aparecida Pascoal; Alexandre Robson Martinês; Wilson Roberto Veronez Júnior | UNESP, Brazil 

Pragmatism and the conception of the concept in the knowledge organization: contributions by James and Peirce


Vinicius Francisco Apolinario | UFES, Brazil

Perception and Experience in Susan Haack's Foundherentist Theory



Oral presentations of communications can be in Portuguese or English. However, all participants in the communications ssessions must prepare the full text of the communication in English, formatted as a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation. See the template available on this website.

Download the PPT file below to prepare the presentation of the communication.

Abstracts of the 20th EIP communications


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